Published on: July 26, 2021

As businesses reopen and the job market begins to normalize, companies are on the hunt for quality candidates. So how can you set yourself apart from the crowd and secure a job if recruiters and hiring managers only spend about 6 seconds on average skimming resumes? I thought you would never ask.




There are loads of free certifications you can earn to boost your resume and credibility. While it can be time consuming, earning certifications says a few things about you. 

  • One, you value professional development and perfecting your skills.
  • Two, you’re willing to go the extra mile to be a 21-century digital marketer in a fast-changing industry. 
  • Three, you can “speak marketing” and have the credentials to prove it! 


So let’s get you started! Here are the top four certifications that I recommend every Digital Marketer should have to stand out amongst the crowd.


Google Analytics:

Data is everything. If you can’t show how your marketing efforts are benefiting the company and driving sales….this might not be the industry for you. Knowing how to create a Google Analytics account, analyzing reports and your audience, and tracking campaign performance are just a few things you’ll learn in the Google Analytics for Beginners course. Once you’ve mastered the basics of Google Analytics, you can also earn more advanced certifications for free. 


Google Ads:

By 2024, the United States is expected to spend a whopping 526 billion dollars on digital ads. That alone should tell you the importance of having certifications and skills in digital advertising. Luckily, Google also provides free Google Ads certifications that range between two to four hours to get certified. 


HubSpot Inbound Marketing:


Hubspot has a lot of great free certifications and recently added some new ones like this Social Media Marketing and Digital Advertising course. I definitely recommend adding those to your resume as you continue to earn certifications. However, I highly recommend earning the Hubspot Inbound Marketing certification to learn about the inbound methodology and applying it to your sales strategy. This is a great certification to have in your toolbox especially because a lot of marketing and sales teams work closely together. Plus, everyone knows that a strategic sales plus marketing team equals cold hard cash. 


Hubspot Content Marketing 

Content is queen. Content marketing is a part of every business and successful marketers’ toolbox. Hubspot has a popular Content Marketing certification that will teach you the basics of creating content, repurposing content, and using your content strategically. Every content marketer knows it’s not about an abundance of content but using what you have strategically and repurposing it. Want to create a blog? Awesome! Now turn that blog into a video, infographic, social media post, and so on. I think you get the idea here. 


Now, once you’ve earned those certifications, save them in a folder on your desktop in case you need to share them with a potential hiring manager. You’ll also want to add your certifications on your resume and your Linkedin profile. Oh, and that portfolio you may have been putting off? It’s time to whip your best selling piece into shape! 


This is only the beginning. You, my friend, are now well on your way to standing out amongst the masses and landing your digital marketing dream job!